Image result for ROAD Roads!!! what are they? They are smooth and comfortable paths or medium through which Man can exhibit movement effectively and efficiently.
It is a platform for safe and easy movement for man which is flexible, neat and comfortable. But looking at the issue at hand, Nigerian Roads, are they to be defined with such above? are they really a proud case to behold?
Image result for bad roads in nigeriaImage result for bad roads in nigeria 

But such isn't the state of Nigerian Roads. It is a road of discomfort and pain.
There is an infamous tip among Nigerian passengers that "Panadol (pain reliever) must be taken after every journey due to discomfort".
How do you feel when you go to other nations and see smooth roads, later come back and discover that you were tasked to contract good roads but failed to do so after spending citizens hard earned cash for personal grace? Absolutely INHUMANE!!!
As you can see above are two examples of bad roads in Nigeria out of many. It's now a generalized fact that such a country with a proud, elegant and rich history like Nigeria is characterized with shameful death of her citizens on a daily basis through accidents. How can this woeful and disruptive social intimidation be stopped? Let's not forget how money much politicians and Government officials get allocated to by our monthly taxes yet they fail to deliver to us what we are duly eligible to as citizens of the country, they don't feel the pain the "common" Man is obliged to on the road due to improper road maintenance.
They are transported through Airplanes, super armor cars, etc so they don't experience our attacking experiences on the bad roads. It's now a disturbing agenda due to the fact that alot of lives have been lost on these roads. Who knows Destinies and dreams that have been diminished by this "apocalypse". What is the solution to this all? Who should be held responsible for this? Will Nigeria ever be pompous and proud again? We should call on Usurpers who are being obliged through contracts to be relieved of their positions.
DON'T FORGET: As citizens of Nigeria we have unlimited rights to having our voices being heard especially when we are being oppressed directly or indirectly by any party. So we shouldn't keep quiet in this stances of such an inhumane environment. We shouldn't die of silence! Drop comments on what you feel.
Thanks alot for reading... God Bless you!!!
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  Image result for bad roads in nigeria 
Image result for bad roads in nigeria Image result for bad roads in nigeria

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